Monday, September 17, 2012

Cassandra Bankson teen walks runway NYFW & on The Today Show

New York Fashion Week is exciting for many people.

While watching The Today Show this morning, a familiar face appeared.

Her face is in the set below that I created on Polyvore, she is the beautiful model at the top left corner.

The Today Show interviewed a girl I saw on YouTube a few years ago. Her name is Cassandra Bankson.

Cassandra Bankson created make up tips videos aimed to help teens learn how to hide their blemishes. She appeared in her do it yourself videos, without any make up, and leaned in close to the camera to show the many blemishes on her face.She filmed the videos herself, in her room.

Then, she proceeded to put her makeup on.

First, let me just say, to appear with no make up at all was amazing, but to apply the makeup while looking into your video camera is not easy to accomplish.

But, she did it.

I thought to myself," here's a girl that deserves recognition."

12 million youtube hits later, there she is on The Today Show telling her story.

She was bullied while in school and decided she was not going to let the bullies ruin her self respect. And so, she created those videos.

Some of the bullies found the videos and left hateful comments, but, she persevered, and continued creating her videos.

This week, she walked the runway at The New York Fashion Week.

She was selected for her beauty ! The model agency were not aware she had created those videos.

I love the strength of this girl. I applaud her and I know you will too.

Cassandra Banks you totally rock, thank you for proving how strong today's' youth can be.

Best wishes, Linda

Congrats to Cassandra Bankson on runway at NYFW

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